Tonners and Demons Love the Game

Heatherton FNC were one of the first SFNL clubs to sign up to the original Love the Game program back in 2014, and now they have recently become the first to host a second senior player information session.

Tonners Vice President, Matthew Buckley, noted the presentation’s messages about the links between sport and advertising. “(It's a) very awakening program on the effect of gambling in and on TV and at all sporting events. Very well presented,” he said.

Community Educator, Tracey Collins, said: “it’s terrific to come back to clubs to reinforce the campaign, especially as the sports betting environment changes so quickly.”

Last Springvale Districts held an Love the Game education session and saw real value in the message.

The Demons were very accommodating, and senior coach Kris Thompson was really supportive, speaking to the players both before the after and and after recap.

His written comment was “It’s great to know that our players do have help available”.


[caption id="attachment_15506" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Heatherton FNC became the first club to host a second Love the Game session earlier this week. Heatherton FNC became the first club to host a second Love the Game session earlier this week.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_15505" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Springvale District saw real benefit in the session they held last night. Springvale Districts FC saw real benefit in the session they held last night.[/caption]

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