The latest update on the progress of the Melbourne South Football Facilities Strategy has just been released by Inside Edge.
The Draft Melbourne South Football Facilities Strategy aims to build capacity at existing ovals in the southern region and provide facilities that cater for diversity to accommodate and retain new participation in community football. It has been developed based on key project outputs including:
An audit of all football facilities;
Analysis of current and projected participation numbers;
Mapping the need for new grounds and facilities;
Mapping under-utilised venues which may support growth;
Strategic directions and sports development workshops; and
Delivery of a Key Findings Report which included analysis on the issues, opportunities and challenges impacting football across the Melbourne South region, highlighting potential opportunities for facility improvement based on facility audit outcomes.
Project partners, including the SFNL, South Metro Junior Football League (SMJFL), Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA), AFL Victoria and local Councils have worked together to develop the Draft Melbourne South Football Facilities Strategy based on this consultation and analysis.
For an update on the progress of the Football Facilities Strategy, see below December Update newsletter.