The SFNL has announced it will set a Total Team Player Points Cap of 48 for the 2017 season.
The cap amendment is in line with the newly updated AFL Victoria Player Points System Policy, and is a slight reduction from the limit of 50 points per team that was introduced inĀ 2016.
In addition, the League will implement a salary cap for the first time next year, with Division 1 clubs limited to $200,000 of player payment expenditure.
Salary caps of $150,000 and $100,000 have been imposed for Division 2 and Division 3 clubs respectively.
SFNL General Manager Operations Adam Sparrow said the salary caps would be gradually implementedĀ in to allow clubs to adapt to the new system, which is part of a wider plan to further equalise the SFNL competition.
"The introduction of the salary cap policy and points system marks a significant change for community sport," Sparrow said.
"As a league, we are committed to a smooth transition to the new system. Salary caps have been set high in year one with the focus to be on education for the implementation system.
"In time, we hope to settle the total team points and salary cap at a level that will see the two policies work hand in hand to assist in achieving the greater longer term objective of ensuring community clubs can remain sustainable and financially viable within a competition that provides a competitive balance."