The Southern football Netball League held it’s 2024 Hall of Fame induction last night, which celebrates outstanding achievement within the League
To be selected in any Hall of Fame, you have displayed many qualities over your journey; Our SFNL Criteria states;
There are seven categories under which an individual may be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame. They are player, administrator, official, coach, umpire, media or lifetime achiever.
To be nominated as an inductee for the Hall of Fame, the nominee must have demonstrated attributes including longevity, quality of performance, integrity, sportsmanship, good character and promoted the values of the SFNL or its forerunners
The SFNL has 4 values, 1) Trust 2) Growth 3) Belonging 4) Accountability
Wednesday night's inductees have demonstrated this in spades, tonight we salute them. Individuals don’t set out to gain reward, they do it for the love of the game, the love of their club, in many cases the satisfaction that comes from belonging, just being a part of it. All recipients tonight have been recognised in the past from their own club, however, to be recognised by your league and its members is something very special, something you, your family and your club should be extremely proud of, we at the League are very proud of you and we thank you for your service. Congratulations to John Borg & Ed Mclean on your Hall of Fame Status and to Mark, Janet, John & Andrew on your Distinguished Service awards
Ed McLean -
Played 426 Games Lyndale FNC
Senior Premiership Player 1995
Reserves Premiership Player 2000 + 2014
President 12 Years
Vice President 2 years
Secretary 3 years